Devon Marie Griffee

Regional Sales Manager

Summing up Devon's journey with Here Comes The Guide can be done in one phrase: "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back it was meant to be." After interning for our team during college, Devon left to begin her successful career in corporate America. However, the calling of HCTG remained in her heart, and after a few years away, she is back in action using all of her first-rate talents to love on her venue clients. The ultimate life planner, wife, and mom, she brings her whole self to work each day and makes us so much better. Devon is now the sister she was always meant to be.

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Domestic status: Mar­ried my col­lege sweet­heart in 2020 and added our son to the fam­i­ly in 2022. We also have two adorable cats who always seem to keep us on our toes. 

Guilty pleasure: Sleep­ing in, bub­ble baths, white ched­dar Cheez-Its, and real­ly nice champagne.

Childhood career choice: Ele­men­tary school teacher. I grew up with many rel­a­tives in the edu­ca­tion field and had great mem­o­ries of help­ing my grand­moth­er get her class­room ready before the first day of school. For many years this is what I thought I would do in my life and still con­sid­er it as a sec­ond act” career once I am clos­er to retire­ment age. 

Dream vacation spot: Ire­land. I long for a fam­i­ly vaca­tion where we explore old cas­tles while stay­ing in cozy B&Bs along the way. I imag­ine it rain­ing while we are vis­it­ing and our fam­i­ly in match­ing Bar­bour jack­ets the entire time. 

What pushes my panic button: Run­ning late! I become very short and con­trol­ling when run­ning late, espe­cial­ly if it’s because I am wait­ing on some­one. Being on time is such a sign of respect so when we are run­ning even a few min­utes behind I start to pan­ic and may snap at who­ev­er is around me. Luck­i­ly, I always buffer in extra time so this does not hap­pen often.

Source of inspiration: My mom! She is not only a great boss who cares about her work and employ­ees, but she also man­ages to kick ass at a side hus­tle, which could very well be anoth­er full-time job. That alone is impres­sive, but what is inspi­ra­tional is that she does all that and is ALSO a fan­tas­tic moth­er to FOUR kids. Grow­ing up I always knew she was a great mom but when I became a moth­er myself I final­ly rec­og­nized how much effort it takes to bal­ance both work and fam­i­ly. She does it so well and I love being able to work with her every day!

What I like most about my job: The sis­ter­hood. I love work­ing with this group of badass ladies who work hard and have fun doing it. It’s a spe­cial work envi­ron­ment with high-func­tion­ing cowork­ers who are all about encour­age­ment and growth rather than com­pe­ti­tion and dra­ma. From day one you feel a part of the sis­ter­hood. That was true when I interned 6 years ago and even with the growth of the com­pa­ny, it is still true today.