Jenna Miller

Creative Director

With a personality that sparkles even more than that rock on her left finger, Jenna Miller's an energetic and charming addition to the Here Comes The Guide family. Another Guide Bride-turned-staffer, Jenna married her high school sweetheart after a year of scouting out wedding tips and trends online—including finding her wedding venue on (where else?) When she’s not busy glittering up the Here Comes The Guide website, Jenna’s probably getting her cardio on at a local gym—or shopping mall.

Contact Jenna regarding: questions about our Find Ideas section; brand partnerships; and featuring your wedding service on

Insider Info

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Domestic status: Mar­ried since Novem­ber 2009 to my high school sweet­heart — after 10 years of dat­ing! (Please don’t do the math.) Mama Bear to two sweet boys and a snug­gly Bull­mas­tiff, who is also a boy. I’m com­plete­ly outnumbered.

Best wedding planning advice: I’m going to give a piece of prac­ti­cal plan­ning advice. Put a lit­tle num­ber on the back of each RSVP card that cor­re­sponds to your own num­bered guest list. This way, if one of your guests fails to write their names on the RSVP card (it hap­pens more often than you’d think) and all you know is they want the salmon, you’ll still be able to fig­ure out who it is. Genius, I know.

Walked down the aisle to: Dance of the Sug­ar Plum Fairy. I’m still a total bal­le­ri­na at heart.

Extracurricular activities: Hang­ing out with my lit­tle fam­i­ly is my favorite thing to do, but I also love danc­ing, shop­ping, work­ing out, trav­el­ing, and explor­ing new areas to find the best bars and restau­rants. I also have a brand­ing + web design side hus­tle called Absolute JEM! I’m super pas­sion­ate about help­ing female entre­pre­neurs build a brand that shines.

Favorite way to wind down after a hard day: Watch­ing Bra­vo with a glass of red wine (or two).

Guilty pleasures: Real­i­ty TV shows, cock­tails, shop­ping, and deca­dent desserts…though I hard­ly feel guilty.

Childhood career choice: I want­ed to be a movie star and pro­fes­sion­al dancer! How did that work out? The movie star part, not so well. But I’m hap­py to report I reached my goal of becom­ing a pro­fes­sion­al dancer. I cheered for three sea­sons as one of Foot­bal­l’s Fab­u­lous Females, The Oak­land Raiderettes!

What people would never suspect about me: I’m first gen­er­a­tion Amer­i­can and the first in my fam­i­ly to go to col­lege. My father immi­grat­ed from Ger­many and my moth­er migrat­ed from Puer­to Rico. Peo­ple can nev­er put their fin­ger on my eth­nic­i­ty. I’m also a die-hard Raider fan, but that’s no secret.

Favorite quote: There may be peo­ple who have more tal­ent than you, but there’s no excuse for any­one to work hard­er than you do.” —Derek Jeter

What I like most about my job: That my co-work­ers are also my best friends, and that I’m lucky enough to still be involved in the wed­ding industry…even after my own wed­ding is over!